75% Savings
for a limited time only
First-mover advantage on exclusive deals in collectibles, fine art, international real estate and more. |
9 global experts directed by chairman Nilus Mattive and cochairman Ted Baumann. |
Our Shadow Wealth Portfolio to help you escape banks, Wall Street and the U.S. Gov’t. |
Off-the-Grid Strategies: The best assets to buy, the safest places to store them and connections to experts who can help you. |
Shadow Wealth Portal: Secure, encrypted online area for members only. |
Shadow Wealth Community: Direct access to fellow members and chairman. |
Minimum estimated savings of 75%. |
Dear Investor,
Martin here, watching everything from home. I’m so glad you’ve had a chance to meet our Shadow Wealth Society experts online …
Because it’s about time all of us face up to the reality of this crazy new world we live in.
Our country is changing …
Potentially for the worse.
Our financial balance sheet is in tatters.
The government takes on more debt while destroying our hard-earned savings.
Over half of American banks are in danger of failing.
Meanwhile, taxes keep going up, even as you get nothing for it.
Our schools are outdated, our infrastructure is crumbling, and violent crime is on the rise.
Nearly 2 out of 3 Americans feel less safe than they did four years ago.
You need an escape plan …
Another place to move your money — and possibly even yourself in case this situation gets even worse.
You need world-class expertise to help you take extraordinary measures for extraordinary times.
This is why you must shield your hard-earned money from the threats … find havens of freedom where it can grow more rapidly, and then … truly enjoy your wealth as you deserve.
And it’s why I created the Shadow Wealth Society.
The Shadow Wealth Society is an exclusive community for you, your family and like-minded experts to live your lives on your own terms …
The Shadow Wealth Society is our plan A for the abnormal times we live in right now.
It’s plan B for the extraordinary times we predict immediately ahead.
And it’s our plan C for the truly extreme, unpredictable events that could come in the future.
But let me be clear: the Shadow Wealth Society is a community, not just another basic investment newsletter.
Yes, our communications give you frequent, immediate and potentially very profitable recommendations for your investment portfolio.
But that’s only the launchpad for a much higher level of intelligence and support, more urgent protective steps and even bigger profit opportunities.
What makes the Shadow Wealth Society so special is the connections.
Take Ted Baumann and Nilus Mattive, for example … It’s not just what they know that makes them so valuable … it’s also who they know.
With foreign bank accounts, for example, if you don’t have a connection to someone in that business, you’re going to struggle to do it correctly and in a way that’s truly off the grid.
But Ted has connections in the right places in the world. And he’s used his connections to help dozens of people open foreign accounts that are truly off the grid.
Or consider the tangible asset platforms that Nilus brings to the table. Not only does he show you what to buy, when and how … he also knows the players well enough to help give our members first and exclusive access to new offerings.
Like the international real estate deal we’re sharing with you today.
A chance to buy prime, beachfront condos at an off-market, discount price.
Before anyone else …
Moreover, this is just one unique feature that makes Shadow Wealth Society so different from anything else we’ve ever done at Weiss.
Below are some of the key benefits you’ll get as a Founding Member. And it’s just the start. As our connections grow through our Council of Experts, your benefits will also grow.
Off-Wall Street Strategies
Get away from banks, Wall Street and Fed Control. Gain access to assets that you could never get at any bank or Wall Street broker.
This includes asset categories that have gone up 19x, 30x even 79x more than gold, plus collectibles, land, fine art, technology IP and more … that used to be available exclusively to the super rich but now can be bought in units of $1,000 or less.
Expert advice on how to truly get off the grid and away from prying eyes
Here are just a few examples …
- How to live tax-free even if you make quite a bit of money.
- The one and only truly invisible country.
- Inflation-proof investments that guarantee lifetime income.
- An online account the U.S. government can’t track or record. (Nothing to do with cryptocurrencies or other digital assets.)
- Our contacts to help you acquire dual citizenships and reap extraordinary tax, privacy and business benefits.
- Plus, many more.
For each of these strategies, Shadow Wealth Society Members get everything they need, including the phone number and email address of our #1 choice of experts in each field.
Depending on each member’s personal situation, just one of these strategies could be worth a not-so-small fortune in savings or extra wealth that they might never have otherwise.
Not to mention the compound income that can be earned on that extra wealth.
Our ultra-secure, ultra-private
Shadow Wealth Portal
We have developed a non-searchable, hidden and private place on the web especially for the Shadow Wealth Society.
It enjoys maximum protection against intruders and data breaches of all kinds, whether from private hackers, government hackers or so-called white hat hackers.
It’s protected from phishing attacks, ransomware, spoofing, spyware, Trojan horses and other forms of viruses.
We’ve invested heavily in this technology to make sure the information we give you is private and secure.
Unusually Strong Leadership:
Ted Baumann and Nilus Mattive
I’ve invited Ted Baumann to be cochairman of Shadow Wealth Society, and he has gladly accepted.
Ted is also our editor at large, bringing many of the global experts to the table.
Meanwhile, Nilus Mattive has stepped up the be chairman and editor in chief.
Together, they will personally guide the online meetups.
Their experience and leadership skills are unsurpassed. So, I have every confidence that they will help us build a robust and enduring Society not just for now, but for generations to come.
As a member, be sure to join Ted, Nilus and their guest experts online. Always live. Never preplanned or scripted. Always spontaneous sharing of intelligence.
We will have prescheduled online meetups every quarter.
And we will send you an urgent alert to join us in special, ad-hoc events whenever we foresee an imminent or drastic turn of events and whenever we have a new breakthrough strategy to share.
Shadow Wealth Strategies don’t come from the proverbial 1 percenters — from the one wealthy person out of 100 Americans. They come from the 0.002 percenters — the one ultra-wealthy person out of 50,000 Americans.
Plus, given the unique nature of Shadow Wealth, there are many strategies that have strict limits on the number of investors who can participate.
So, while we would love to share all Shadow Wealth Strategies with every level of membership, it’s just not possible to do so.
That’s why I urge you to apply now for an exclusive membership in Shadow Wealth Society …
This is only the second time we’ve ever offered membership.
And we may not do it again for years.
Even if we do, it will likely never be at the discount we’re offering you now …
On par with what our Founding Members paid …
So, I presume you’re wondering about the cost for a membership to the Shadow Wealth Society.
First, let me talk about how much I think it’s worth.
The true potential value of Shadow Wealth Society membership boggles the imagination and is far greater than your cost.
It’s difficult to estimate because of the many benefits that are unavailable in any other comparable service. But I can give you a good idea based on my 52 years of experience in the investment industry.
Benefit |
Minimum Est. Value |
Shadow Wealth Portfolio |
$1,500 |
Off-Wall Street Strategies |
$2,000 |
First-Mover Advantage |
$3,500 |
Off-the-Grid Strategies |
$2,000 |
Shadow Wealth Council |
$6,000 |
Shadow Wealth Portal |
Priceless |
Shadow Wealth Community |
Priceless |
Minimum Estimated Value |
$15,000 |
Founding Member Cost |
$3,500 |
Founding Member Savings |
$11,500 |
Benefit #1 is the Shadow Wealth Portfolio, packed with high-power investments that can go immediately into your regular account. If bought separately, this kind of trading service alone could cost you at least $1,500 per year.
Benefit #2 are Shadow Wealth Strategies to help members get away from banks, Wall Street and the tentacles of the American government … and to help them get into asset categories that have gone up 19x, 30x even 79x more than gold. Based on industry standards, I believe that kind of extreme outperformance would be sold for at least $2,000 per year.
Benefit #3 is the first-mover advantage. This is not available anywhere else. So, giving it a value based on precedent is not possible. But assuming you invest only $35,000 in your first year, and the first-mover advantage gives you only a 10% edge, it could be worth $3,500 per year.
Benefit #4 is Shadow Wealth Strategies to help members get off the grid and away from prying eyes. Even if such a service existed anywhere else, I estimate others might charge $2,000 per year for just ONE such strategy.
Benefit #5 is our Shadow Wealth Council, nine hand-picked experts, each top-notch in their field. They don’t charge $2,000 to $3,000 per year. They typically charge that kind of money per hour.
Let’s assume you take advantage of just one of the nine experts for ideas that take him just three hours to develop for our team. That alone could be worth at least $6,000 per year.
Benefit #6 is our ultra-secure, ultra-private Shadow Wealth Portal. I think it’s critical and extremely valuable. But because it’s a one-time investment in advanced technology we’ve already made, I won’t assign a value. Let’s just say it’s priceless.
Benefit #7 is the Shadow Wealth Community for sharing critical intelligence on the best way to escape government overreach and the first-mover advantage. Also, priceless.
These 7 benefits add up to
I expect our Shadow Wealth Society Members will be special in more ways than one.
They will not only take … but they will also give.
They will not only enjoy higher levels of access as members of … but they will also help shape the future of the Society.
So, I don’t want you to pay anywhere near the regular yearly membership fee.
Exclusively on this page and at this time only, the cost to join Shadow Wealth Society as a Founding Member is just $3,500.
That amounts to a minimum estimated savings of $11,500, or 75%. To apply, click here.
And on top of all the other benefits of Shadow Wealth Society membership …
We’ll also get you first-mover access on prime beachfront condos — in a dream international location.
But to take advantage of this offer, you must get in now …
When you become a Shadow Wealth Society Member, we’ll send you detailed instructions on this real estate deal — and any future deals we arrange for our members.
Thus, I urge you to apply for a membership in the Shadow Wealth Society now.
Remember: The benefits we’re offering you have a minimum estimated value of $15,000 per year.
But you’ll pay only $3,500.
That’s a minimum estimated savings of $11,500.
And it’s only available on this page, right now.
If you close out of this page, you may never see this offer again.
To become a member of the Shadow Wealth Society, simply complete the order form below or call 877-535-4348 to secure your spot before it’s too late.